Keyword Poetry
War is terrorism
Death is a celebrity
Iraq, Washington
Washington, Iraq
George W. Blair W. Bush W. Tony
and the government
sitting on the pavement
Religion as god
Technology as health
Death is a celebrity
Iraq, Washington
Washington, Iraq
George W. Blair W. Bush W. Tony
and the government
sitting on the pavement
Religion as god
Technology as health
Dette bør dere prøve:
1.) Gå til
2.) Skriv inn ordet "failure" (fiasko, uheldig utfall) i søkefeltet
3.) Trykk "Jeg prøver lykken"-knappen istedet for google search ("Im feeling
lucky"-knapp hvis du bruker internasjonal google)
4.) Flir høyt og innse at google er smartere enn hva man skulle trodd
5.) Videresend denne før google-folkene fikser dette ;-)
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